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Recruitment industry in Jacksonville, Florida

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Recruiters looking to fill positions in the military will find excellent opportunities in Jacksonville, Florida. As the third largest seaport in Florida, this coastal city is a hub for a number of military facilities, particularly in the navy.

Its location also makes it a scenic spot for tourism, and there are always positions available for golfing specialists, as golfing is the key tourism activity in Jacksonville. Another major industry is transportation.

There are industries with no positive opportunities, such as the mining industry that has seen no growth in the 6 months between September 2014 and February 2015. In the same period, the information sector has also seen a rapid decline, with an estimated growth of -3.3% in February 2015.

The leisure and hospitality industry reports the best growth of 5.5% in February 2015 over the previous month.

Recruiters can leverage their services by filling positions for well-paying jobs such as attorneys who can earn an average of $113,530 on an annual basis. Sales representatives and workers in the manufacturing industry can earn upwards of $84,000 per year as is evidenced by first line supervisors of non-retail sales workers who make more than $86,330 on an annual basis.

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