Is there something in your career that you really want, but you are afraid to go after it?
Fear is normal. We all experience it at certain points in our career. Maybe it’s the new job we wanted to apply for, but were afraid we would not be chosen. Maybe it’s the new idea we wanted to propose, but were afraid it would be rejected. Maybe it’s something we wanted to say at a networking event or job interview, but were afraid it would not be perceived well.
Fear is good because it motivates us to excel in our career. Without a little fear, we might turn off the alarm clock and stay in bed all day. But when fear prevents you from moving forward, and doing the work you know needs to be done, then it’s time to face your fear and conquer it.
Fear is an emotion experienced in anticipation of a specific pain or danger. It can cause us to slow down, act with caution, and in some cases, to freeze up entirely. When we fear the worst, we stop taking action, and action is a key component to reaching our goals.
Dealing with your fear head on usually dilutes the stronghold that keeps fear alive. As scary as this may seem, facing your fear is the secret to getting past it.
How Do You Move Past Fear So You Can Have A Successful, Rewarding, And Fulfilling Career? Here Are 4 Ways:
What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of making a mistake? Being rejected? Afraid of making a wrong choice again? Are your fears enough to stop you?
Write down your fear. Get it on paper. Be specific. Include what your fear is as well as why your fear it. Your goal is to stop your fear from circling around in your head and causing damage. Once identified, you may find that what you are afraid of is not as scary as you think. The sooner you can identify what your fear is, the quicker you can make it disappear.
Successful people who have overcome fear began with a determination to not let their fear stop them. They created a clear description of the end goal in their minds. They visualized this description several times before it became a reality. They spent a great deal of time nurturing this description before they acted on it to make it real.
Begin with a clear description of what you want to happen. New job? Promotion? More money? Your own business? Visualize the end goal several times a day. Put yourself mentally at the finish line. Then, working backwards, visualize the steps necessary to succeed. Visualize yourself overcoming the steps you fear as well as the fears that are holding you back. Picture yourself successfully completing each step, despite your fear, and then reaching your goal.
The way past fear is through it. You will not wake up one day and not be afraid anymore. In the beginning you have to do things afraid. Fear and change are always toughest in the beginning.
Yes, it’s scary to call people you do not know or haven’t spoke to in a while to ask for help. Or, going to a networking event or job fair to look for a job when you do not know if it will be worthwhile. Or, scheduling a meeting with your boss to ask for more money or a promotion even though you know there have been cutbacks around you. The outcome may not be favorable. But, it may. Why rule out the possibility so quickly? Sometimes we try things in our career for ourselves; to see if we can do it. Even if you get a no, you’ll learn from that no, and turn it into a yes next time.
There will always be a reason to stay where you are. And, there is a better reason to move forward. You spend so much of your waking hours either in your career or thinking about it. This is valuable time that you do not want to waste.
Career goals are reached by taking small steps over time to reach them. You need to keep moving. No matter what. Even, if you do not feel like it. Even, if you do not believe what you want will happen. Make a plan and work on it everyday. Trust that the work you are doing now towards your plan will bring the rewards later. Because, it will. Slow and steady wins the race every time.
So what do you say? You only have one life to live so it might as well be a life you love!
***Deborah Brown-Volkman is the President of Surpass Your Dreams, Inc. a successful career and mentor coaching company that has been delivering a message of motivation, success, and personal fulfillment since 1998. We work with Senior Executives, Vice Presidents, and Managers who are out of work or overworked. Deborah is also the creator of the Career Escape Program and author of Coach Yourself To A New Career: A Book To Discover Your Ultimate Profession. Deborah Brown-Volkman can be reached at,,, or at (631) 874-2877.