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Information for recruiters in Denver, Colorado

3.5 Minutes

Denver is the capital of Colorado, and has excellent opportunities for recruiters. Being so close to the Rocky Mountains, the mining and energy industry is at the heart of the economy in Denver, employing more than 102,400 people, with plenty of room for growth.

Recruiters will find that this city is easy to market, as the majority of the wages are above the national average. In addition, 2014 saw an overall job growth of 3.7%.

There are some large employers in the education sector, including the University of Colorado Systems and the Denver Public Schools. The industry that is experiencing rapid decline is the information industry, where growth has reduced from -3.8% in February 2015 to -7.0% in July 2015.

Like in almost all the other states, the highest paying jobs are in medical professions, with a surgeon being able to earn approximately $222,820. In Denver, Petroleum Engineers also take home an excellent wage averaging $140,290 per year.

The city has a large pool of professional staff, as college attainment is at approximately 40.3%. There are also a myriad of opportunities for unskilled staff, particularly in the Leisure and Hospitality sector, as national chains restaurants like Chipotle Mexican Grill are all over the city.

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