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Prospects for recruiters in Louisville, Kentucky

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Louisville is home to several Fortune 500 companies, creating excellent prospects for recruiters to pursue. It is also a city that is experiencing commendable job growth of 2.3% for the year 2014.

The largest sectors in this city are the healthcare sector and tourism sector, where more than 67,500 people were employed as of July 2015. In the past, the manufacturing sector advanced well in Louisville but today, this sector is rapidly declining, moving from 4.0% growth in February 2015 to -2.3% by July 2015.

The cost of living in Louisville is 5.3% lower than then national average, making it an attractive place for recruiters to fill positions. In addition, this city ranks at #30 out of 200 from cities across the United States as the Best place for Businesses and Careers.

United Parcel Service is the largest employer in the city, with more than 20,000 employees. This presents recruiters the chance to secure positions in logistics, freight management and those looking for flexible work options as the company operates on a 24 hour basis. The possible positions include transportation inspectors who can earn approximately $87,750 per year, and Distribution Managers can make around $82,530 per year.

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