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10 Best Meeting Scheduler Apps for 2023

3.5 Minutes

Did you know that meetings make up a great percentage of an organization’s overall activities? Although they are essential in business productivity, scheduling and tracking business meetings can be tedious and time-consuming. You need to go through emails and discuss with your teams on the best day and time suitable for various meetings. Fortunately, all these overwhelming processes can be avoided with the best meeting scheduler apps for 2023.

Note that the market is dominated by a gazillion meeting scheduler apps to help you quickly meet with other individuals. The best element about using these apps is that they simplify the scheduling process. With a few clicks, you can schedule a meeting and also allow the other parties to easily book. The entire process is automated since you get to sync the tools with your calendar to ensure your planned meetings don’t clash. That being said, we look into the best meeting scheduling tools for 2023 below to save you time on research.

What Are Online Meeting Scheduler Apps?

Online meeting scheduling tools allow users to use an automated calendar interface. They work with other applications like emails, talent management software, and payment systems. These meeting scheduler apps make meeting scheduling process easy: you can book a meeting with a single click. However, before selecting meeting scheduling apps, you should analyze your needs and understand an apps’ the features. Some general features of meeting scheduling apps include;

  • Easy to use. The app should be flexible and straightforward when scheduling or receiving a meeting invite.
  • Saves on cost. The apps should meet your budget needs and enable you to save more money. Alternatively, you can opt for apps that offer free features like video calling and automation.
  • Multiple integrations. Your app should be able to work with other system software to make the scheduling process effective.

Best Meeting Scheduling Tools for 2023

1. Google Calendar

Google calendar is one of the best free meeting scheduler that helps you plan for appointments. It’s hosts a free group meeting scheduler that uses AI technology to ensure you stay updated on each other’s schedules and come on a win-win situation when planning a meeting.

This meeting scheduling tool offers a GSuit integration where you can enjoy real-time synching between apps. Google calendar also has share features allowing you and your group to access changes in your calendar, plus multiple calenders used for personal, work, or any other project. However, google calendar users with windows can only use these features when signed into the web.

2. Doodle

This online meeting scheduling tool allows you to plan for your individual and group meetings, thus making it easier for all participants to select their preferred dates. You can use the Doodle free version or the paid version, where you can automatically create meetings in the members’ calendars. It all depends on your business requirements.

Doodle is simple and user-friendly, accommodating polls by creating a Google Meet Link. It also sends reminders to group members who did not suggest the meeting date. Moreover, poll participants will be notified about the meeting through email, and calendars will be updated automatically. Linking the meeting to the Google Meet helps you meet with your guests online from any location. You can also automate your meetings by connecting Doodle with Microsoft Teams and Zapiers.

3. Zoho Bookings

Organizations use Zoho Bookings in their meeting scheduling software because of its ability to customize the booking page and allowing guests to book meetings. This online meeting scheduling tool also allows you to create various background images, choose themes and colors. Additionally, you will easily upload your logo and customize your booking site to match your brand.

The best element about this meeting scheduler app is that you get to bring your management team on board and give them various positions and roles. Moreover, it offers a two-way syncing feature that analyzes your bookings to ensure they do not clash. You can also set up virtual meetings through Zoom.

4. Calendly

Calendly is one of our best meeting scheduling tools for 2023 because its user-friendly solutions allow people to tap into your availabilities. It directly integrates with Google Calendar and office 365, plus sending direct automated reminders before the due day. As a result, it saves time and sets up rules to create an automated workflow during and after the meeting.

5. CalendarHero

This online meeting scheduling tool is highly customizable in that you can create a meeting location, send video links, and agree on appointment dates. Guests can book time using your real-time availability, or the CalendarHero can automate reminders to help you save on time. With remote scheduling, CalendarHero offers direct video integration and adds conferencing details automatically. This tool saves time and energy and makes the scheduling process more efficient.


This meeting scheduler app allows one-on-one meetings, but it’s still widely used, especially by Gmail users. It is also one of the best free meeting schedulers that remember your most common locations and meeting times. Additionally, once you choose a date and time, this app will automatically create the event. However, you cannot customize your meeting themes to meet your business needs.

7. ScheduleOnce

ScheduleOnce helps create meetings with remote staff living in any part of the world. Its features enable you to generate individual reports for meetings, people, and customers. Furthermore, it has a generous free tier plus video conferencing capabilities integrated into Zoom and Google Meet. You can also embed your booking page on your website as an embedded page.

8. NeedToMeet

NeedToMeet scheduling tool allows your guest to know your availability by enabling you to mark the hours you prefer in your calendar and put off the option. Afterward, you can book a meeting that guests highly favor. This tool is free, but if you want more features like Outlook integration, you will have to pay a small fee.

9. When2Meet

You can use this tool in your meeting scheduling software because it allows you to find the best time and date for your meeting. It is simple and efficient, not requiring sign-ups, but it cannot sync with other online tools and calendars. However, When2Meet offers time intervals of 15 minutes to help you and your team easily narrow down your scheduling options.

10. SavvyCal

This tool allows you to set up meetings, sync with multiple calendars easily, and integrate with multiple apps like Zoom to help automate your meetings. You can create different types of meetings like one-on-one, team meetings, single-use meetings, and panel meetings. This process is possible when the link is archived after a scheduled meeting. Moreover, SavvyCal has total control over your meetings, plus the intriguing time feature that allows you to select different time slots from a particular meeting and convert them into a report for your guest.


Online meeting scheduling tools are efficient and save time and cost compared to traditional manual scheduling. To choose the best tool, you must assess and align your needs with your scheduling.  Therefore, make your booking process easier by selecting suitable meeting scheduler apps. With many business functions to mange, the last thing you want is to spend a lot of time scheduling meetings when you can focus on more productive matters. 

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