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Headhunters & recruiters’ opportunities in Atlanta, Georgia

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Atlanta is a city that is rich in culture and history. The state of Georgia has the highest unemployment rate in the country, offering head hunters a sizeable pool of qualified staff to choose from.

The sectors and industries that are growing with the fastest momentum include the technology, insurance and health care sectors, and the trade, transportation and utilities and professional services industries. The trade, transportation and utilities sector experienced growth of 4.4% for the period of November 2013 – November 2014, and professional services also went up by 3% in the same period.  The reason for this is that Atlanta has focused on industry diversification, allowing a range of industries the opportunity to experience growth, which then gives recruiters the chance to fill positions that could help the entire economy.

Several large companies have established their headquarters in Atlanta, and these include Coca – Cola, Home Depot, Turner Broadcasting and AT & T. The top employers in Atlanta stretch over a range of industries and include Delta Airlines, Emory University, AT & T and Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. Atlanta is known for its business and professional services as well as being a transportation hub for South-eastern United States. Engineering Managers who work in the transportation industry can earn around $127,000 annually.

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