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10 Best Performance Appraisal Software in 2024

3.5 Minutes

Performance appraisal is an essential part of human resource management that involves evaluating an employee’s job performance against pre-defined goals and objectives. It helps organizations to identify employee strengths, weaknesses, training needs, and opportunities for improvement. Performance appraisal software makes the process more streamlined, efficient, and objective. With the increasing demand for remote work and digital transformation, the need for effective performance appraisal software has become even more significant.

In this article, we will discuss the best performance appraisal software in 2024.

Top 10 Performance Appraisal Software for 2024

1. BambooHR

BambooHR is an all-in-one human resources management software that includes performance management as one of its features. It offers a customizable performance review process that aligns with an organization’s goals and objectives. The software provides templates for creating performance reviews, 360-degree feedback, and goal setting. It also allows managers and employees to track performance throughout the year and provides real-time feedback. With BambooHR, HR managers can also create and manage employee development plans and track progress towards goals.

2. Workforce Now

ADP Workforce Now is a cloud-based human resource management system that includes performance management as one of its modules. It offers a customizable performance appraisal process that aligns with an organization’s goals and objectives. The software provides templates for creating performance reviews, 360-degree feedback, and goal setting. It also allows managers and employees to track performance throughout the year and provides real-time feedback. With ADP Workforce Now, HR managers can also create and manage employee development plans and track progress towards goals.

3. Oracle HCM Cloud

Oracle HCM Cloud is a comprehensive human resource management software that includes performance management as one of its modules. It offers a customizable performance review process that aligns with an organization’s goals and objectives. The software provides templates for creating performance reviews, 360-degree feedback, and goal setting. It also allows managers and employees to track performance throughout the year and provides real-time feedback. With Oracle HCM Cloud, HR managers can also create and manage employee development plans and track progress towards goals.

4. Namely

Namely is an all-in-one human resource management software that includes performance management as one of its features. It offers a customizable performance review process that aligns with an organization’s goals and objectives. The software provides templates for creating performance reviews, 360-degree feedback, and goal setting. It also allows managers and employees to track performance throughout the year and provides real-time feedback. With Namely, HR managers can also create and manage employee development plans and track progress towards goals.

5. Trakstar

Trakstar is a cloud-based performance appraisal software that helps organizations manage their employee performance evaluation process. The software allows organizations to create custom evaluation forms, set goals and track progress, and also provides real-time feedback and reporting. Trakstar is also user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it an excellent option for organizations of any size. Some of the key features of Trakstar include goal setting, performance appraisal, real-time feedback, and reporting.

6. Wallet HR

Wallet HR is another performance appraisal software that provides a comprehensive set of tools for managing employee performance. The software includes a range of features, including performance evaluation, goal setting, feedback management, and reporting. Wallet HR is also highly customizable, allowing organizations to create their own evaluation forms and tailor the software to their specific needs. The software is also mobile-friendly, making it easy for employees to access the platform from anywhere.

7. PerformYard

PerformYard is a performance appraisal software that helps organizations manage their employee performance evaluation process. The software includes features such as goal setting, feedback management, and reporting, and also provides real-time feedback to employees. PerformYard also integrates with a range of other HR systems, making it easy for organizations to manage their employee performance data. One of the key features of PerformYard is its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for employees to use and navigate the platform.

8. HiBob

HiBob is a performance appraisal software that provides a range of tools for managing employee performance. The software includes features such as goal setting, performance evaluation, feedback management, and reporting. HiBob also includes a range of additional HR features, such as payroll management and benefits administration, making it an excellent all-in-one HR solution. The software is also highly customizable, allowing organizations to tailor the platform to their specific needs.

9. Lattice

Lattice is a cloud-based performance appraisal software that provides a range of tools for managing employee performance. The software includes features such as goal setting, performance evaluation, feedback management, and reporting, and also provides real-time feedback to employees. Lattice is also highly customizable, allowing organizations to create their own evaluation forms and tailor the software to their specific needs. The software also integrates with a range of other HR systems, making it easy for organizations to manage their employee performance data.

10. Kallidus

Kallidus is a performance appraisal software that provides a range of tools for managing employee performance. The software includes features such as goal setting, performance evaluation, feedback management, and reporting, and also provides real-time feedback to employees. Kallidus is also highly customizable, allowing organizations to create their own evaluation forms and tailor the software to their specific needs. The software is also mobile-friendly, making it easy for employees to access the platform from anywhere.

What are 2 Modern Methods of Performance Appraisal?

360-Degree Feedback:

The 360-degree feedback is a modern method of performance appraisal that involves getting feedback from all directions. This includes feedback from superiors, subordinates, colleagues, and even customers. The feedback is usually gathered through surveys and questionnaires. The main objective of this method is to provide a comprehensive view of an employee’s performance.

The 360-degree feedback method is more comprehensive than the traditional performance appraisal methods. It helps to identify an employee’s strengths and weaknesses from various perspectives. Additionally, it provides employees with an opportunity to receive feedback from different sources and improve their performance. It also helps managers to identify the development needs of their employees and create an individualized development plan.

Continuous Performance Management:

Continuous Performance Management (CPM) is a modern method of performance appraisal that involves continuous feedback and coaching. The main objective of this method is to provide ongoing feedback to employees and encourage them to improve their performance on an ongoing basis.

CPM involves setting regular meetings between employees and their managers to discuss their performance. During these meetings, the managers provide feedback on the employee’s performance and set new objectives. Additionally, the employee is given an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback to their manager. The method is more effective than the traditional annual review because it provides more regular feedback and allows employees to adjust their performance throughout the year.

How to Select Performance Appraisal Software?

Here are some key factors to consider when choosing performance appraisal software:

User-Friendly Interface

The performance appraisal software you select should be easy to use and navigate. It should be intuitive and user-friendly, with a simple and understandable interface that every employee can use with ease. It should also be customizable to suit the organization’s specific needs and requirements.

Customizable Templates

Customizable templates are crucial when selecting performance appraisal software. These templates allow the user to create personalized evaluation forms that are specific to their organization’s needs. The templates should be easy to customize, with drag-and-drop features that allow users to add, delete or rearrange questions to suit their preferences.

Integration with other HR Systems

The performance appraisal software should integrate seamlessly with other HR systems, including payroll, attendance, and employee management. This integration ensures that employee performance data is consolidated into a central database, providing HR managers with a holistic view of an employee’s performance and productivity.

Automated Notifications

The software should be able to automate notifications and reminders to employees, managers, and HR staff. This automation ensures that deadlines are met, and everyone involved in the appraisal process is kept up-to-date with the progress of the evaluation.

Multi-Level Access

Performance appraisal software should provide multi-level access to users, including HR staff, managers, and employees. This feature allows for easy collaboration and data sharing, streamlining the performance appraisal process.

Reporting and Analytics

The performance appraisal software should have robust reporting and analytics features, providing HR managers with detailed insights into employee performance. The software should generate reports that highlight areas where employees are excelling and areas where they need improvement. These reports should be easily accessible and customizable to suit the organization’s needs.

Mobile Compatibility

In today’s world, mobile compatibility is essential. The performance appraisal software should be accessible on mobile devices, allowing employees to access the appraisal forms and complete them at their convenience.


The software should have robust security features, protecting employee data and ensuring confidentiality. The software should have role-based access control, password protection, and encryption to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data.

Customer Support

Finally, when selecting performance appraisal software, customer support is crucial. The software should come with excellent customer support, including online tutorials, a knowledge base, and 24/7 customer service.

In conclusion, selecting the right performance appraisal software is essential for any organization. It can streamline the appraisal process, eliminate paperwork, and provide detailed insights into employee performance. When selecting performance appraisal software, consider the factors mentioned above, and choose a software that meets your organization’s specific needs and requirements.



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