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10 Best Recruitment & HR Podcasts Every Recruiter Need To Listen To in 2023

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Recruiters have much to learn about the talent acquisition business to stay top in sourcing the best talent. There are numerous ways of keeping yourself updated with the trending recruitment strategies, ranging from recruiter’s books to conferences. 

However, technological innovations have never ceased to amaze us with better upgrades. The recruitment podcast has played a significant role in ensuring that recruiters get relevant information and tips for their recruitment strategy. Besides the message, you only need to pop in the earbuds and listen to the information anytime. So, let’s look at the best talent acquisition podcasts in 2023.

The Best Recruitment Podcast in 2023

The following are top-rated podcasts by recruiters that all talent management teams and HRs should consider to boost their skills in sourcing talent.

1. Recruiter Startup

Dualta Doherty is the creator of this podcast, and he aimed to investigate the action plan for a smooth-running recruitment process that requires little or no staff input. Being one of the best hr podcasts, other worldwide agency leaders shared their shortcomings and success stories with him to develop strategies to set up, scale, and operate the best recruitment agency worldwide. 

Dualta offers a guide on the best recruitment process and bespoke sourcing solutions. Therefore, this podcast suits agencies and recruiters wanting to start a recruitment business. 

2. The Recruiting Brainfood Podcast

Hung Lee formed this staffing podcast alongside his famous Recruiting Brainfood Newsletter, packed with important brainstorming information about the recruitment industry.

Lee invites different guests’ opinions, churning the entire recruitment process and leaving no detail behind. Additionally, he focuses on trending components; for instance, the latest episodes discuss the need for recruiters to leverage digital recruiting tools due to the covid19 pandemic. Lee’s work in the recruitment industry is mesmerising; that is why his work features in our best recruitment podcasts in 2023.

3. Recruiting Future

If you want to develop a future-proof recruitment program, then Matt Adler got your back with his fantastic podcast Recruitment Future. Matt conducts sessions with professional hr guests to discuss the latest changes in the recruitment industry. This technical recruiting podcast is trending in the market because it forecasts the future of talent acquisition. Therefore, consider listening to this podcast and have the future of your recruitment secured.

4. The #SocialRecruiting Show

The #SocialRecruiting Show is a UK-based live broadcast at 3 PM (GMT),  hosted by Katrina Collier and Glenn Martin. This podcast helps you gain insight into trends and ideas in the recruitment industry. The guest hr professionals from all over the world share their recruiting best practices. Additionally, you will get to know the best approaches to hiring, plus get the best advice on your shortcomings from a global perspective.

5. The Recruitment Rollercoaster Podcast

Hishem Azzouz features guests’ interviews with other hr professionals to create this podcast that addresses worldwide recruiting trends and culture. Azzouz’s work is among the top-rated podcasts by recruiters because of his accurate perception of the shortcomings faced by hr teams.

The podcast directly addresses issues that almost every recruiter has experienced, plus gives the best practices to recruiters to apply in talent acquisition. Therefore, if you want to start a recruitment career, listen to this podcast to help you prepare for the task ahead.

6. Hiring On All Cylinders

Entalo’s primary objective in this podcast is to ensure you are the best in the recruitment game. He explores different angles on trending technology, designs, and data, plus how you can connect them to get the best result in your recruitment process.

Additionally, the podcasts give you a forecast of the recruitment industry so that you stay alert to the different changes that happen. Moreover, in Entalo’s recent episodes, he talks about how the covid19 pandemic has negated the recruitment sector while offering further opportunities for companies to adopt a new way of operation. To stay ahead of the recruitment game, you should listen to this one of the best recruitment podcasts in 2023.

7. Recruitment on the Go

Are you looking for quick recruitment tips? Recruitment on the Go is the podcast for you. In this podcast, Caitie and Mingus offer direct guidance on recruitment best practices to make your hiring more successful.

In addition to the best practices, the podcast gives insight and tools to help you get ahead in the recruitment industry. Therefore, Recruitment on the Go is rated one of the best talent acquisition podcasts that all HR managers should know.

8. The Talent Cast

James Ellis looks at modern recruiting in this podcast, regularly hosting top hr guests who share their recruitment success stories.

Moreover, trends in resume writing, information that every recruiter should know, and in-depth interviews with business owners and authors are in recent episodes. Ellis’ shows never become stale since they examine both the business and human sides of recruiting. So, improve your talent acquisition strategy by using this recruiting podcast 2023.

9. The Resilient Recruiter 

This podcast by Mark Whitby and his guests offers advice on becoming an unbeatable, successful, and long-lasting professional recruiter. One of the top HR podcasts in 2023 is The Resilient Recruiter. It talks about how the covid19 pandemic impacts hiring, work-life balance, and gender equality in hiring.

To avoid traps and find the shortcuts that can help you get results more quickly, you can also profit from other HR’s experience. The Resilient Recruiter allows you to hear from professionals worldwide, some of whom you’ve never heard about their careers.

10. Recruitment Entrepreneurs

This show by Recruit CRM is one of the top-rated podcasts by recruiters, hosted by Sean Mallapurkar. The episodes are laid-back and packed with intriguing headhunting insights you may learn from recruiting business owners worldwide. It has been gaining popularity worldwide despite being a relatively new podcast.


Every recruiter needs to keep up with the changing trends in the recruitment industry. To do so, you need to get more insight from experienced individuals through books, conferences and podcasts. We have given you our list of best recruitment podcasts in 2023 above that you should consider in enhancing your recruitment strategy.

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