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Recruiting information in Austin, Texas

3.5 Minutes

Recruiters will find plenty of opportunities in Austin, Texas since it has been declared as the number 1 economy in the country in 2013. This was attributed to its job growth which reached the double digit mark at 11%, a full 3% more than any other city in the country. Austin’s growth trend continues to date, with employment growth projected at 3.1% in 2015.

Austin has seen continued growth in job opportunities in retail (95.5% occupancy on new shops and restaurants in 2014) and real estate sectors (leading to 34% increase in family home price in 2015). The city is a hub for small businesses due to an increasing number of venture capitalists. This has created a market for people with specialised training and technical skills.

It also has a booming technology sector, with leading employers including Dell and IBM. Jobs in software engineering are particularly lucrative. A semiconductor process engineer can earn an average of $81,600 annual whereas a Senior Software Engineer can make upwards of $97,800 annually.

Other leading employers in Austin include Deloitte and Touche, Hyatt Hotels and the largest public employer, the University of Texas. New opportunities from international companies like Samsung are also available, as this company has an upcoming chip plant and looks to surpass a total of 6000 employees in the city of Austin.

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