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10 Best SOC 2 Compliance Software in 2024

3.5 Minutes

In today’s digitally interconnected world, data security and compliance have become paramount concerns for organizations across all industries. The rise in cyber threats and regulatory requirements has made it essential for businesses to adopt robust security practices. One of the widely recognized standards for ensuring data security and privacy is SOC 2 compliance. SOC 2 (System and Organization Controls 2) is a framework designed to evaluate and report on the controls of service organizations that are relevant to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.

To assist organizations in achieving and maintaining SOC 2 compliance, several software solutions have emerged in the market. These tools offer a range of features and functionalities to streamline the compliance process and enhance overall security posture. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 SOC 2 compliance software solutions in 2024, assessing their features, benefits, and suitability for various business needs.

1. Scytale:

Scytale is a leading SOC 2 compliance software trusted by organizations worldwide for its comprehensive approach to security and compliance management. The platform offers a range of features, including policy management, risk assessment, audit tracking, and continuous monitoring. Scytale’s intuitive interface and customizable workflows make it easy for organizations to navigate the complexities of SOC 2 compliance.

Key Features:

a. Automated compliance assessments: Scytale automates the process of assessing and documenting compliance with SOC 2 requirements, saving time and resources.
b. Real-time monitoring: The platform provides real-time monitoring capabilities to identify and address security issues promptly.
c. Integration capabilities: Scytale integrates seamlessly with other security tools and platforms, enabling organizations to centralize their compliance efforts.

2. SecureTrust:

SecureTrust is another prominent SOC 2 compliance software solution known for its robust features and user-friendly interface. The platform offers comprehensive risk assessment, policy management, and incident response capabilities to help organizations achieve and maintain compliance with SOC 2 requirements.

Key Features:

a. Risk assessment tools: SecureTrust provides powerful risk assessment tools that enable organizations to identify and mitigate potential security risks effectively.
b. Policy management: The platform allows organizations to create, manage, and enforce security policies in line with SOC 2 requirements.
c. Incident response automation: SecureTrust automates incident response processes, ensuring timely and effective resolution of security incidents.

3. Avertium:

Avertium is a leading provider of cybersecurity and compliance solutions, offering a suite of tools designed to help organizations achieve and maintain SOC 2 compliance. The platform’s comprehensive features include risk assessment, policy management, vulnerability scanning, and security awareness training.

Key Features:

a. Vulnerability scanning: Avertium’s vulnerability scanning capabilities enable organizations to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities that may impact SOC 2 compliance.
b. Security awareness training: The platform offers interactive security awareness training modules to educate employees about best practices for maintaining compliance and reducing security risks.
c. Audit trail management: Avertium provides robust audit trail management features, allowing organizations to track changes and monitor access to sensitive data.

4. Tugboat Logic:

Tugboat Logic is a cloud-based platform that simplifies the SOC 2 compliance process for organizations of all sizes. The platform offers a range of features, including risk assessment, policy management, and automated compliance reporting.

Key Features:

a. Automated compliance reporting: Tugboat Logic automates the process of generating SOC 2 compliance reports, saving organizations time and resources.
b. Collaboration tools: The platform includes collaboration tools that enable teams to work together seamlessly on compliance initiatives.
c. Customizable workflows: Tugboat Logic offers customizable workflows that adapt to the unique needs and requirements of each organization.

5. Apptega:

Apptega is a comprehensive cybersecurity management platform that helps organizations streamline their compliance efforts, including SOC 2 compliance. The platform offers a range of features, including risk assessment, policy management, and task tracking.

Key Features:

a. Task tracking: Apptega’s task tracking capabilities enable organizations to assign and track compliance-related tasks, ensuring accountability and visibility throughout the process.
b. Compliance calendar: The platform includes a compliance calendar that provides an overview of upcoming deadlines and milestones, helping organizations stay on track with their compliance efforts.
c. Vendor risk management: Apptega offers vendor risk management capabilities, allowing organizations to assess and monitor the security posture of third-party vendors.

6. LogicGate:

LogicGate is a flexible governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) platform that helps organizations streamline their compliance efforts, including SOC 2 compliance. The platform offers a range of features, including risk assessment, policy management, and workflow automation.

Key Features:

a. Workflow automation: LogicGate’s workflow automation capabilities enable organizations to automate repetitive compliance tasks, saving time and resources.
b. Customizable dashboards: The platform includes customizable dashboards that provide real-time visibility into compliance activities and metrics.
c. Integration capabilities: LogicGate integrates seamlessly with other business systems and platforms, enabling organizations to centralize their compliance efforts.

7. ZenGRC from Reciprocity:

ZenGRC is a cloud-based GRC platform that simplifies compliance management for organizations, including SOC 2 compliance. The platform offers a range of features, including risk assessment, policy management, and audit tracking.

Key Features:

a. Automated risk assessments: ZenGRC automates the process of conducting risk assessments, enabling organizations to identify and prioritize security risks effectively.
b. Role-based access control: The platform includes role-based access control capabilities that ensure only authorized users have access to sensitive compliance data.
c. Audit trail tracking: ZenGRC provides robust audit trail tracking features, allowing organizations to monitor changes and access to compliance-related information.

8. ComplyAssistant:

ComplyAssistant is a comprehensive compliance management platform that helps organizations streamline their compliance efforts, including SOC 2 compliance. The platform offers a range of features, including risk assessment, policy management, and incident response.

Key Features:

a. Incident response management: ComplyAssistant’s incident response management capabilities enable organizations to track and manage security incidents effectively.
b. Compliance documentation: The platform provides templates and tools for creating and maintaining compliance documentation, making it easier for organizations to demonstrate compliance with SOC 2 requirements.
c. Regulatory updates: ComplyAssistant regularly updates its platform to reflect changes in regulatory requirements, ensuring organizations stay up-to-date with the latest compliance standards.

9. MetricStream:

MetricStream is a leading provider of GRC solutions, offering a range of tools to help organizations manage their compliance efforts, including SOC 2 compliance. The platform’s comprehensive features include risk assessment, policy management, and audit tracking.

Key Features:

a. Compliance automation: MetricStream automates many aspects of the compliance process, reducing the time and effort required to achieve and maintain SOC 2 compliance.
b. Third-party risk management: The platform includes third-party risk management capabilities that enable organizations to assess and monitor the security posture of their vendors and partners.
c. Reporting and analytics: MetricStream provides robust reporting and analytics features that enable organizations to track compliance metrics and identify areas for improvement.

10. VComply:

VComply is a cloud-based GRC platform that helps organizations streamline their compliance efforts, including SOC 2 compliance. The platform offers a range of features, including risk assessment, policy management, and audit tracking.

Key Features:

a. Document management: VComply’s document management capabilities enable organizations to store and organize compliance-related documents securely.
b. Training and awareness: The platform includes training and awareness modules to educate employees about compliance requirements and best practices.
c. Compliance monitoring: VComply provides real-time monitoring capabilities that enable organizations to track compliance activities and identify potential issues proactively.


Achieving and maintaining SOC 2 compliance is crucial for organizations looking to demonstrate their commitment to data security and privacy. With the help of the right software solution, organizations can streamline their compliance efforts, mitigate security risks, and protect sensitive data effectively. The top 10 SOC 2 compliance software solutions highlighted in this article offer a range of features and functionalities to meet the diverse needs of organizations in various industries. By leveraging these tools, organizations can ensure they are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of SOC 2 compliance in 2024 and beyond.

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