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10 Best Resume Screening Software for Candidate Screening in 2024

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Candidate screening is an essential part of hiring for employers looking to find top talent. However, the pre-screening assessments can be lengthy and time-consuming, especially when conducting them manually. Recruiters must analyze each job applicant’s resume to ensure they meet an organization’s requirements. 

Fortunately, the advancing technology has brought about the development of resume screening software for recruiters. Companies can now optimize and speed up the hiring process, thus boosting their chances of finding the best talent. If you want to advance your hiring process, we list below the 10 best resume screening software for candidate screening in 2024. Whether you manage a startup company or a large enterprise, there is an applicant screening tool for you.

What is a Resume Screening Software

A resume screening software is an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) that helps recruiters and hiring professionals quickly identify the most qualified candidates for specific open positions. Using an ATS software for candidate screening saves time and improves efficiency. Plus, candidates won’t feel overwhelmed with the process and will stick with you until you hire your preferred talent.

ATS screening software identifies candidates’ resumes and sorts out the best based on your specific requirements, keywords and hiring criteria. With this software, it is easy to screen out unqualified candidates early in the hiring process. As a result, hiring professionals get a few candidates for interviews, which gives them enough time to plan and focus on each candidate accordingly.

Best Resume Screening Software in 2024

You will be spoilt for choice when looking for the best resume screening tool online. For this reason, we compared as many resume screening tools as possible, and below are the top 10 based on our findings.

1. Zoho Recruit

Zoho Recruit is an all-in-one AI tool for resume screening to consider in 2024. Besides offering ATS, you also benefit from a powerful CRM on a single intuitive design platform. With Zoho Recruit, it’s easier for recruiters to access multiple job boards to advertise open positions. As a result, you maximize your chances of meeting quality candidates to choose from. What makes this software unique is that it also applies questionnaires and tests to ensure only qualified candidates are available for interviews. 

Core Features

  • Access to different online job boards
  • Data import from eternal ATS sources
  • Third-party integration
  • Customizable and intuitive design dashboard
  • Automated hiring process
  • Feedback and Reporting

2. CVViZ

CVViZ is an excellent AI tool for resume screening every employer should try. It prides itself on going beyond regular keyword matching to identify the best candidates. The software screens candidates contextually, meaning it analyzes your hiring history and follows the recruiting pattern in identifying suitable candidates. So far, over 100 companies, including upcoming and large enterprises, have benefited from the CVViZ ATS tool. 

The best element about using CVViZ is that it differentiates similar roles so that you find suitable talent. Additionally, the tool ranks candidates in real time based on your business requirements and work history. 

Core Features

  • AI-powered tracking system
  • Third-party integrations
  • Candidates ranking to meet your hiring needs
  • Employee engagement
  • Identifies talent in users’ database
  • Offers demo mode 

3. FreshTeam

FreshTeam is another AI tool for resume screening that automatically gathers data from candidates’ resumes. Over 9000 businesses trust this tool globally due to its intuitive design and ability to quickly manage the candidate screening process. Moreover, FreshTeam is one of the best tools when it comes to candidate sourcing, onboarding, and employee management. 

FreshTeam offers access to multiple job boards where you get to reach a wider audience. Plus, its interface has a 360-degree module that ensures candidates’ information is filtered accordingly. The tool can also conduct follow-ups and pre-screening assessments to ensure the resume screening process is streamlined.

Core Features

  • User-friendly and customizable interface
  • Pre-screening assessments
  • Candidates filtering
  • Employee engagement
  • Communication platform supported
  • In-built candidate database

4. SmartRecruiters

SmartRecruiters’ superior resume screening features help recruiters and hiring professionals to not only hire candidates on-demand but also spend less money. Besides offering a complete applicant screening suit, it also features AI assistance, CRM, and applicant tracking. You are guaranteed to find the best talent since SmartRecruiters automatically scans through all resumes in your database and external sites before forwarding the qualified candidates to the next hiring stage. 

Additionally, SmartRecruiters allows teams to easily communicate on a single platform and understand all the processes in resume screening. This makes it easier for them to agree on choosing the best talent to proceed in the next step. 

Core Features

  • Background checks
  • Offers ATS and CRM services
  • Feedback and reporting
  • Mobile device-friendly
  • Streamlined communication
  • Chatbot and text recruiting

5. Sage HR

Sage HR is an excellent resume screening software that contributes to streamlining your hiring process. The software is suitable for all business types and covers a diverse range of functions for smooth business management. For example, you can also use Sage HR to improve your business’s HR policies that contribute to making the best decisions. 

Sage HR is also an ideal software for job seekers since they get to access the job portal that lists your open positions to send their applications. Furthermore, the tool is AI-powered and integrates with third-party tools for effective resume screening procedures. 

Core Features

  • Third-party integrations
  • Effective communication
  • Applicant screening
  • Dashboard tracking
  • Career site supported
  • Employee onboarding

6. Lever

Lever offers ATM and CRM solutions to various businesses globally. The software features a user-friendly analytics tool and flexible reporting for effective pipeline tracking. Moreover, the software features a robust resume screening solution with an intuitive design dashboard to easily identify and shortlist the best talent. 

For hiring professionals or recruiters with interest in engagement campaigns that target a specific group of individuals, Lever helps you to quickly get their attention and attract them to your company. It is the best resume screening software for your business, especially when sourcing candidates to hold senior positions. 

Core Features

  • Simple design interface
  • Offers candidate Relationship Manager (CRM)
  • DEI analytics
  • Features reporting and feedback
  • Automated engagement campaigns
  • Third-party integrations
  • Add-ons solutions

7. Hubert

Whether you are looking for talent for a startup company or large enterprise, Hubert is a viable software for streamlining your resume screening procedure. The software is AI-powered and automatically screen resumes once applications start streaming in. It immediately picks data from personality tests, uploaded documents, and more. As a result, you minimize biased decisions and find a diverse workforce dedicated to taking your business to another level. The software is highly recommended for hiring professionals with high volume recruitment, and you can schedule a demo with the ATS software to see if it suits your hiring requirements.

Core Features

  • Resume parsing
  • Automated candidate shortlisting
  • Feedback and analysis report
  • Communication tools
  • Third-party integrations
  • Candidate engagement

8. Ideal

Ideal is an AI-powered software that automatically shortlists candidates based on your hiring requirements and criteria. The software eliminates biased decisions since the tool only shortlists candidates based on their qualifications and skills. Many employers using Ideal can attest that they have been able to hire diversified candidates who significantly contribute to business growth. 

The best element about Ideal is that you can integrate it with existing recruitment software to streamline the entire hiring process. There is no need for manual input since the tool does most of the work. All you have to do is choose the best candidates for the final interview and hiring.

Core Features

9. CV Jury

CVJury is an ATS resume screening software to compare resumes against your job description. You can refer your potential applicants to use it in revamping their resumes before sending them since it features a free resume builder. Its resume scanner can also help candidates analyze their resumes and ensure they are up to par. With this software, you get to save time since it also filters candidates based on specific keywords per your requirements. 

Core Features

  • User-friendly and intuitive design interface
  • Third-party integrations
  • Candidate engagement
  • Skills identification
  • Feedback and reporting tools

10. iCIMS

If you are looking for an all-in-one hiring solution, iCIMS is a go-to platform. We highly recommend it to enterprises, but startup companies can also benefit from its superior features. Its AI functions quickly screen candidates’ resumes to ensure you only hire the most qualified talent. Plus, the software allows you to manually screen candidates and store the best ones in your database for future job openings. 

Besides offering ATS functions, iCIMS also gives recruiters a superior CRM dashboard, which is user-friendly, thus making it easier for you to track applicants, streamline communication within the HR department, and conduct online interviews. 

Core Features

  • Candidate Relationship Management
  • AI screening
  • Inbuilt chatbot
  • Text hiring
  • Third-party integrations
  • Employee onboarding
  • Marketing automation



Resume screening using machine learning continues to streamline recruiters’ hiring processes, thus making them hire suitable candidates. Therefore, consider using the above resume screening tools to improve your hiring process. Not only does candidate screening software save time, but also the costs of frequent hiring. Simply put, resume screening software for your business will significantly contribute to increased employee retention since you will hire the best talent. That being said, compare the above ATS screening tools’ features and ensure you choose the one meeting your business’s hiring needs.

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