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Top 10 Talent Acquisition and Recruitment Influencers in 2023

3.5 Minutes

The field of talent acquisition and recruitment is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the latest trends and strategies is crucial for success. In the digital age, where social media and online platforms play a significant role in the hiring process, following influencers who are at the forefront of these advancements can provide valuable insights and guidance.

In this article, we will explore the top 10 talent acquisition and recruitment influencers in 2023, who have been shaping the industry and are worth following for their expertise and thought leadership.

1. Josh Bersin

Josh Bersin is a well-known thought leader and industry analyst specializing in HR, talent management, and corporate learning. With his extensive experience and deep understanding of the talent acquisition landscape, Bersin provides valuable insights on recruiting strategies, employer branding, and the use of technology in hiring processes. His blog and frequent speaking engagements make him a prominent figure in the industry.

2. Stacy Donovan Zapar

Stacy Donovan Zapar is a recruitment strategist and trainer known for her expertise in sourcing, employer branding, and social media recruitment. With over 20 years of experience, she has worked with numerous Fortune 500 companies, helping them attract top talent through innovative strategies. Zapar’s engaging social media presence and regular contributions to leading publications make her a must-follow influencer in the talent acquisition space.

3. Johnny Campbell

Johnny Campbell, also known as the “Recruiting Animal,” is a recruitment industry veteran with a unique and entertaining approach to talent acquisition. Through his popular online radio show, The Recruiting Animal Show, he interviews industry experts and shares insights on various recruitment topics. Campbell’s unconventional style and frank discussions make him a refreshing and influential voice in the talent acquisition community.

4. Tris Revill

Tris Revill is a recruitment marketing specialist and the founder of The Recruitment Events Co. With his deep knowledge of employer branding, candidate experience, and recruitment marketing strategies, Revill helps organizations build effective talent acquisition campaigns. He is known for his innovative ideas and practical tips, which he shares through his blog and speaking engagements, making him an influential figure in the industry.

5. Bill Boorman

Bill Boorman is a recruitment innovator and speaker, renowned for his expertise in social recruiting and the use of technology in talent acquisition. He is the founder of the #TruUnconferences, unique events focused on open discussions and knowledge sharing among recruitment professionals. Boorman’s forward-thinking ideas and advocacy for social recruiting make him a leading influencer in the talent acquisition space.

6. Jennifer McClure

Jennifer McClure is a sought-after speaker, executive coach, and talent strategist known for her expertise in leadership development and talent acquisition. She shares her insights on recruiting trends, employer branding, and organizational culture through her blog, podcast, and speaking engagements. McClure’s emphasis on creating exceptional candidate experiences and building strong employer brands makes her a trusted influencer in the industry.

7. Matt Alder

Matt Alder is a recruitment marketing and employer branding expert who focuses on the intersection of talent acquisition and technology. He hosts the popular Recruiting Future podcast, where he interviews industry leaders and explores the latest trends and innovations in recruitment. Alder’s in-depth knowledge of emerging technologies and their impact on talent acquisition make him a top influencer in the field.

8. Jan Tegze

Jan Tegze is an experienced talent acquisition consultant and author known for his expertise in sourcing strategies and recruitment technology. He regularly shares his insights through his blog and social media channels, providing practical advice on talent acquisition, candidate engagement, and recruitment automation. Tegze’s expertise in sourcing and innovative recruitment techniques makes him a highly respected influencer in the industry.

9. Glen Cathey

Glen Cathey, known as the “Boolean Black Belt,” has established himself as a prominent influencer in talent acquisition. His expertise lies in sourcing and recruitment strategies, with a focus on leveraging advanced search techniques and data-driven approaches. As the Head of Global Digital Strategy at Randstad, Glen Cathey has successfully implemented cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions to optimize talent acquisition processes.

10. Hung Lee

Hung Lee is the founder of Recruiting Brainfood, a highly regarded newsletter and community for recruiters and talent acquisition professionals. With his extensive experience in the industry, Hung Lee provides valuable insights on emerging recruitment trends, technologies, and strategies. Through his thought-provoking content and active participation in industry events, he has become a go-to source for staying updated with the latest developments in talent acquisition.


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