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What is Text Recruiting?

3.5 Minutes

In today’s fast-paced digital world, recruiting has undergone a significant transformation. Traditional methods of sourcing and engaging with candidates are being complemented, and in some cases replaced, by innovative techniques that leverage technology. One such technique gaining widespread popularity is text recruiting. This article delves into the concept of text recruiting, its benefits, and how it is reshaping the recruitment landscape.

Understanding Text Recruiting

Text recruiting refers to the practice of using SMS (Short Message Service) or messaging applications to communicate with potential candidates during the hiring process. It leverages the ubiquity of mobile phones and the preference for text-based communication to engage with candidates quickly and efficiently. By utilizing text messaging platforms, recruiters can initiate conversations, share job openings, conduct interviews, and follow up with candidates, all through text-based communication.

Benefits of Text Recruiting

1. Speed and Efficiency:

Text recruiting enables real-time, instant communication with candidates. It bypasses the time-consuming process of email correspondence or phone tag, ensuring a faster response time. Recruiters can quickly schedule interviews, provide updates on application status, and address candidate queries, resulting in an accelerated hiring process.

2. Wider Reach:

With the rise of mobile devices, people are more likely to check their text messages promptly than their emails. Text recruiting allows recruiters to reach candidates wherever they are, bypassing potential email clutter or missed calls. It enables access to a broader talent pool, including passive candidates who may not actively search job boards but are receptive to relevant opportunities.

3. Candidate Engagement:

Text messaging offers a familiar and convenient communication channel for candidates. It allows for more personalized and interactive conversations, fostering engagement and building stronger relationships. Recruiters can send targeted messages, including interview reminders, pre-screening questions, or even conduct brief skills assessments via text, creating a seamless and engaging candidate experience.

4. Automation and Integration:

Text recruiting can be integrated with applicant tracking systems (ATS) and other recruiting software, streamlining the recruitment process. Automated text campaigns can be set up to send job alerts, conduct initial screenings, or collect feedback from candidates. This integration reduces manual effort, improves efficiency, and ensures consistency in candidate communication.

5. Cost-effectiveness:

Compared to traditional recruiting methods such as phone calls or in-person interviews, text recruiting can be more cost-effective. It reduces phone bills, minimizes time spent on lengthy calls, and optimizes the recruitment team’s productivity by allowing them to handle multiple conversations simultaneously.

Best Practices for Text Recruiting

Obtain Consent: Ensure candidates have provided explicit consent to receive text messages during the recruitment process. Comply with relevant data protection regulations and respect candidates’ preferences.

Maintain Professionalism: While text messaging is often more casual, it is essential to maintain professionalism in all interactions. Use proper grammar, be clear and concise, and avoid using text slang or abbreviations that may confuse or misrepresent your message.

Personalization and Context: Tailor your text messages to each candidate, addressing them by their name and referencing relevant information. Provide context for the message, such as the position applied for, to avoid confusion and demonstrate your attention to detail.

Timeliness: Text messages are expected to be quick and immediate. Ensure timely responses to candidates’ inquiries or requests, as delays can be perceived negatively and hinder the overall candidate experience.

Respect Privacy: Protect candidates’ privacy by avoiding sharing sensitive or confidential information through text messages. When necessary, direct candidates to secure channels or arrange a call for more detailed discussions.

How Does Text Recruit Work?

Here we will discuss on how text recruitment works and its benefits for both employers and job seekers.

1. The Basics of Text Recruitment:

Text recruitment is a process where recruiters or hiring managers use SMS (Short Message Service) or messaging platforms to communicate with candidates during the hiring process. It typically involves sending text messages to potential candidates to screen them, schedule interviews, share relevant information, and provide updates on the recruitment process.

2. Building a Database of Candidates:

To initiate a text recruitment campaign, employers must first establish a database of candidates who have expressed interest in the position or have applied through various channels such as job portals, websites, or career fairs. This database can be organized and managed using applicant tracking systems (ATS) or customer relationship management (CRM) software.

3. Engaging with Candidates:

Once the candidate database is in place, recruiters can send targeted text messages to engage with potential candidates. These messages may include job details, interview invitations, assessment links, and other relevant information. Text recruitment offers a personal touch, allowing recruiters to establish a direct line of communication and build rapport with candidates.

4. Screening and Assessments:

Text recruitment enables preliminary screening of candidates through text-based questionnaires or assessments. Recruiters can send automated messages to collect essential information, assess qualifications, and gauge a candidate’s interest and availability. Such assessments help filter out unqualified candidates, ensuring that only the most suitable individuals proceed to the next stage.

5. Scheduling Interviews:

One of the key advantages of text recruitment is its efficiency in scheduling interviews. Instead of playing phone tag or relying on email exchanges, recruiters can simply send a text message to offer available time slots for interviews. Candidates can respond with their preferred time, and the scheduling process becomes seamless and convenient for both parties.

6. Providing Updates and Feedback:

Text recruitment enables timely updates and feedback to keep candidates informed throughout the hiring process. Employers can send automated messages to notify candidates about their application status, share feedback after interviews, or provide any other relevant updates. This keeps candidates engaged and minimizes uncertainty, resulting in a positive candidate experience.

7. Automation and AI in Text Recruitment:

With the help of automation and artificial intelligence (AI), text recruitment can be streamlined even further. Chatbots or AI-powered virtual assistants can handle initial candidate interactions, answer frequently asked questions, and gather preliminary information. Automated text messaging systems can also be integrated with applicant tracking systems to manage the recruitment process efficiently.


Text recruiting has emerged as a powerful tool for modern recruiters to engage with candidates efficiently and effectively. By leveraging the widespread use of mobile devices and the preference for text-based communication, recruiters can streamline their processes, engage a broader talent pool, and create a more personalized candidate experience. With the right strategies and adherence to best practices, text recruiting can revolutionize the way organizations attract and hire top talent in the digital era.

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